Monday, December 20, 2010

Rose Garden Row Chart

This is the cover of a book that tells a story almost unknown in Italy and says with emotion and participation by interviewing the actors and the star , Ludmila Javorova á. U na woman who was in the early seventies, together with other four or five, ordained Catholic Bishop Felix M. Dav IDEKO in Brno, in what was then Communist Czechoslovakia at the height of "normalization" after the invasion of Soviet tanks in 1968. ordination, such as those of married bishops, in hiding since the scheme was formally tolerant, actually kept under control all political activity and religious. Even more those of an association as Koinótés , consisting of lay people, priests, nuns, bishops. The order has not been "force majeure", but after a debate and discussion lasted for years and inspired by the theology of Theilard de Chardin that anything that happens once in the process of creation is still present in it and contribute to "the final shape of the world."

Davidek after release from prison

In 1995 Ludmila Javorova á makes known and the fact that his condition continues, and will continue to celebrate Mass, the Roman hierarchy are in a panic. Two obsessions, not by chance related to sex, women, married priests and bishops, taking the usual road, which is that of repression. No dialogue, abjuration, to silence, and so on.
Javorova in the textile factory where she worked. From the Book of MTWinter

Ludmila Javorova Today

But Ludmila married and some of the bishops fail to comply. The case remains open.
The book by Sister Miriam Therese Winter , translated into English and published in Italy in 2005, tells the story in detail and contains many reflections Ludmila Javorova á.
It 's a quiet reading and deep. It is good to all, Catholic and non-Catholic. You can request the publisher, € 18.00

In 1999, the international theological journal Concilium had published Petr Fiala and J IRI Hanu š : ordination of women in the underground Church in Czechoslovakia . The dossier [3 / 99] was devoted to the theme: The non-ordination of women and the politics of power .
One of the curators, the famous exegete and theologian Elisabeth Sch üssler Fiorenza is "fun" in his contribution to propose to the church hierarchy to appoint Cardinals women, since the Sacro College is a medieval invention to give the pope a court noble fact-called "princes of the Church" - has no foundation in Scripture, so there are no restrictions of any kind, if not atavistic prejudices, and to 1800 could become a cardinal despite being secular. E ', however, important to a court that elects the Pope Why not assign this task to the women, well over half of the Roman Catholic faithful?

The Catholic hierarchy, as the congregation of males who represent themselves, share his powers only when it can no longer do without it for lack of male candidates for the priesthood. It could be quite soon.

Anyone interested can read the article by Karin Heller , The ordination des femmes à l'épreuve d'une Theologie de l 'agape in Revue théologique de Louvain, 41, 2010 [is a famous Catholic University Leuven in Belgium]


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