Saturday, September 25, 2010

Interesting Things About Tay-sachs

Berlusconi's declarations: no vivisection!

The recent approval in the European law on vivisection of animals is an aberrant decision, disgraceful and utterly contrary to the ethical principles that civilized people should be like Europe.
has allowed the opportunity to experiment with stray dogs and cats (whose only crime apparently is that of having been abandoned) without making use of anesthesia or painkillers, with evidence of physical effort leading to the death (see evidence of swimming) especially proposing these animals used as subjects for further testing (like saying that if they are not dead now, we will proceed the next time). All of this inhuman treatment, if applied only really cause unnecessary suffering and repeated these poor animals.
We can not passively accept that a group of bureaucrats without art there part, completely unaware of the specific matter to decide life and death, of pain and suffering of living beings like animals, certainly morally superior to these unscrupulous politicians capable only to do harm to innocent creatures free.
Social Nationalist Movement is mobilized throughout Italy to withdraw from this shameful and unclean law, including the accomplices of this massacre, that their vote made it possible to get the approval of a crime so heinous. Similarly, we call upon all the political forces which, as we reject the appalling practice of vivisection, to join the voice Protest bringing on a continental scale, in order to force the bureaucrats in Brussels to cancel this decision. We propose in this sense a real referendum on the European level to remove this shameful law.

The National Secretariat of Social Nationalist Movement

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Handbag Cake Step By Step


We learn with pleasure the news of the resignation of the managing director of Unicredit, Alessandro Profumo, presented last September 21. After raging for fifteen years, one of the leading exponents of the great powers is finally lifted away.
We find outrageous and unacceptable that he has granted, in total silence (unbeknownst of its own members) the opportunity to the Libyan government to start a real scramble for shares of the largest Italian bank, in fact served on a silver platter to Gaddafi the opportunity to become the largest shareholder of Unicredit. Fortunately, Mr. Profumo was exposed and stopped before the damages were greater and irreversible.
years is known to all the will of the Libyan leader's influence at will the very life of the Italian economy, holding in his hand through the control of the most important financial and strategic sources of wealth of the country, including the most important Italian bank , who with his money trying to buy (money granted in part from our Government compensation for the same pseudo Gaddafi reinvested in buying shares of the most influential Italian companies).
Once again the powers that be, with the complicity of governments vassals, have sold to foreigners crucial parts of our country.
The only answer to prevent further scaled to Unicredit and the like, is to nationalize the Italian banks. Only through direct control of the government also can prevent looters from all backgrounds can influence, blackmail and destroy the very foundations of the economy and of Italian finance.
Michele Marini
National Secretary
Social Nationalist Movement

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Verbigae For Eveluations

nationalize banks: on the visit by Gadhafi

ended yesterday's visit to Italy of Libyan leader Gaddafi, who promptly revealed herself as the previous times degrading to our country and our institutions that have wanted to indulge in his performances. But as ever in this circumstance we had to submit passively to the provocations, insults and blackmail of this individual, without any of our government representatives considered a duty to intervene to hear the authority of their role. While Gaddafi insulted and mocked Italy and our Christian civilization, complete with vulgar pro-Islamic propaganda (very dangerous for their plans to conquer Europe) while Western women degraded, insulted and Italian history, while publicly blackmailing our country and Europe itself actually asking for "protection money" to prevent send millions of illegal immigrants from Africa, we wonder where it was Berlusconi's government ? Physically he was there to applaud the stupid ramblings of the Libyan leader, and this gives us much to think and worry about obviously ... but from an institutional point of view was and remains totally absent, under the thumb of a person who arrives in Italy whenever behaves rudely, as if posing as a master in our house.
The reality is that the current Italian government has sold off to Libya, but not to make any Italy's interests (as boasted by two years, having signed treaties of friendship), but those few people connected to the world of banking and high finance whose intentions are known in the Libyan land at all (as amply demonstrated the presence of these personalities at the summit with Gaddafi).
the eyes of the world, Italy once again humiliated and ridiculed out of these meetings with the Libyan Rais, so that you do not fell so low since September ominous eight, and even then, as now disgraced and sold out to a power foreign.
hope at this point that the feared early elections take place as soon as possible, hoping that we no longer watch passively to government slaves Gaddafi as a historic enemy that makes a mockery of our honor and our dignity.

The National Secretariat of Social Nationalist Movement