Monday, December 14, 2009

Percentage Of Women With Californian Wax

MSN: Solidarity with Silvio Berlusconi

Although many things divide us from the politics of PDL and its allies, unanimous indignation of our whole political movement towards the vile and unspeakable attack took place yesterday evening at the expense of the President of Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Unanimous is our absolute conviction to the words expressed by certain representatives of the parliamentary left, including the Hon. And Mr Antonio Di Pietro. Rosy Bindi, which substantially prove to herald a clear incitement to hatred and physical violence against political opponents, in fact legitimizing this and any future aggression.
As usual, the bad teachers, making use of useful idiots, put into practice those strategies already seen and reviewed over the years of lead. It is undeniable, therefore, as certain claims in recent days, the reaction directed against institutions, including the use of physical violence if necessary, arm in fact, more or less unconsciously, the hands of shady characters, thugs and criminals of various kinds and stack, which have nothing to lose, but are also ready to commit murders and massacres in the name of hate politics.
We hope to these irresponsible politicians and instigators are taken immediate disciplinary action, even if we believe that everything will end as usual with tarallucci and wine ....
On Violence fringes of the extreme left, coming primarily from social centers, no institution of local or national, political or legal, intervened with drastic measures to prevent these individuals from harm again. We can recall that dozens of militants and sympathizers of the right (both moderate radical) are constantly victims of heavy attacks by these people, often suffering also bombings and arson to their premises (and in some cases to homes) without any minister or magistrate has moved to stop this dangerous spiral of hate, very close to the climate of the seventies. Our policy area for years denouncing these episodes we wonder when and how someone will finally give credit to our requests? He expects the case to the dead man to open his eyes and finally take action?
Renewing solidarity with the Premier, we look forward concrete measures against these degenerations that politicians can not and must not have anything to do.

Michele Marini
Secretary National Social Nationalist Movement

Monday, November 30, 2009

Blaupunkt Gta 4 Special Mkii

SWITZERLAND: First victory in defense of Christianity

learn with great pleasure the news of the outcome of the referendum held in Switzerland, which bluntly rejects the construction of minarets in Swiss territory. This shows that the popular will, when requested, is always well different from the policies of governments slaves of Islam or the "politically correct "....
hope that Italy can also take place as soon as the referendum questions on this sensitive issue, rest assured that the determination of our peoples to defend our Christian roots is infinitely superior to the scandalous rulings of the European courts and the fiction of a certain policy, well home.
from Switzerland started the sacrosanct recovery that will bring the whole of Europe to defend its constitutional history, their culture and traditions, from maneuvers nihilistic, Stalinist and pro Islam. For all of us, this must be a first and important victory in the long path of struggle that we are legitimate to fight. Again, like yesterday, as always, under the sign of the cross. IN HOC SIGNO
VINCES! The National Secretariat

Social Nationalist Movement

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sample Baby Registry Message

MSN: Ready to defend at all costs the crucifix!

learned with dismay the incredible news of the infamous European court ruling that would ban the presence of crucifixes in Italian public schools, the Social Nationalist Movement says it will totally ignore the dictates from abroad, stating that we will do everything you can to stop the attempt to erase our traditions. The crucifix is \u200b\u200bnot only a religious symbol, it is much more: it represents centuries of history, culture and traditions in which Italy and Europe have experienced the same and they are formed. Thereby preventing anyone to destroy them, at the cost of bringing into play our own safety, both physical and legal. Consequently, the Social Nationalist Movement declares from the outset its opposition to any attempt to remove this sacred symbols from public places, at the cost of intervening with the use of force to stop this attack on the Italian national identity, bringing in its place wherever the above symbol, if it were removed.
In this light, the MSN will support all those forces political, social and cultural factors that will want to take this battle to defend our sacred traditions. We want a united front on this issue, a new sort of Holy Alliance in defense of Christianity.
In hoc signo vinces! The National Secretariat

Social Nationalist Movement