Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sample Baby Registry Message

MSN: Ready to defend at all costs the crucifix!

learned with dismay the incredible news of the infamous European court ruling that would ban the presence of crucifixes in Italian public schools, the Social Nationalist Movement says it will totally ignore the dictates from abroad, stating that we will do everything you can to stop the attempt to erase our traditions. The crucifix is \u200b\u200bnot only a religious symbol, it is much more: it represents centuries of history, culture and traditions in which Italy and Europe have experienced the same and they are formed. Thereby preventing anyone to destroy them, at the cost of bringing into play our own safety, both physical and legal. Consequently, the Social Nationalist Movement declares from the outset its opposition to any attempt to remove this sacred symbols from public places, at the cost of intervening with the use of force to stop this attack on the Italian national identity, bringing in its place wherever the above symbol, if it were removed.
In this light, the MSN will support all those forces political, social and cultural factors that will want to take this battle to defend our sacred traditions. We want a united front on this issue, a new sort of Holy Alliance in defense of Christianity.
In hoc signo vinces! The National Secretariat

Social Nationalist Movement


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