Sunday, January 9, 2011

13year Old On Migraleve


in a play two hearts and a shed on mostrificazione land and ourselves among others touch on this theme:
virtual economy, say, the web, collective intelligence, virtual networks. Then you look around and weight, the size of the objects around you becomes more and more massive. Alternative energy, solar, wind. Go to Turin and discover that there are 256 petrol stations, to Moncalieri, 29, Pinerolo, 10, Orbassano , 14, Piossasco 8, Villar Perosa, 3, Rivalta T., 9, Chieri , 12, Carmagnola, 10, Collegno , 11, Paesana , 3, Alba, 19, Cherasco, 4 etc. [ see www.regione.piemonte. com / commerce / carburan / index , data from two years ago ].

words cement and asphalt, was groundwater, drainage, daylight and night, and elimination of agricultural land. Empire of oil. If you then enter nell'autostrada Pinerolo-Turin, 30 km 30, the mega distributors these service areas are 4.
Oil, oil. How does a child think if they can do without? Towards oil directly from Iraq in my tank and I go to pay my 20 € for a human being with whom they exchange even Good morning, Good evening . Otherwise I just put the money into a slot without human interchange my relationship with Kuwait is directed .
The Piedmont Region is proud of its law of 2004 which liberalized distributors
Torino, Corso Vittorio
In the province of Turin there is a distributor every 8.9 km, ie every 3 minutes and a system every 1900 inhabitants, 1200 in every province of Cuneo . Compared to 2009 there was an increase of 30 units. I suppose that the goal is to have a distributor in every home.
Go Austria or Germany and remains dry, it can happen that you do 150 km and can not find a distributor. Sti silly Germans!
happens, however, to read the pages of Economics de La Stampa , not a bulletin Saving Silverman environmentalists, the following article:
La Stampa, 28 December 2010
For those who have not read it right, I reiterate the facts:
Germany: 80 million inhabitants, 15 thousand service stations
France: 63 million, 12 thousand service stations
Italy: 60 million, nearly 22,500 service stations


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