Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Telecharger Emblem Ragnarok

Last school year I gave a series of meetings at a high school in Piedmont figures on some of the unconventional Catholicism of the twentieth century. My choice is of course arbitrary, dictated by the intention to present a pluralistic world, and not entirely predictable.
I names: Mary Campello [Valeria Paola Pignetti], 1875-61 , Jakub Deml , 1878-61 , Teilhard de Chardin , 1981-55, Ernesto Buonaiuti , 1981-46, Jacques Maritain , 1982-73 , Edith Stein, 1891-42, J risque Maria Gonzalez Ruiz *, 1915-2005, Raimon Panikkar * 1918-2010, Onesta Carpené * 1935-2007, Ignacio Ellacuría * 1940-89 , Ludmila Javorova, 1933 -
* known personally.

Jacques Maritain
The more "conventional" This list is of course Jacques Maritain , French Catholic philosopher, of which I write this post because its conventionality is such that makes it almost an "eccentric". In fact I consider a book on Maritain, written by Pierre Viot , great friendship - and their contemporaries The Maritain , New Town, 2008. The indicates Jacques Maritain and his wife Raïssa Oumansoff Maritain (1883-1960) to emphasize the common work of thought and reports undertaken by the couple.
Raissa and Jacques Maritain

great friendship in many ways is an important book because you know the network of contacts made by the two especially in the first half of the twentieth century. We thus have a cross section of society and religious intellectual, and not just the French, whose protagonists are the letters that they exchange with Maritain.
An intellectual biography that is also an encyclopedia of history, detailed and meticulous in detail documentaries. Would have all it takes to stand as a representation of a wide-ranging intellectual adventure, you agree or not with the position of Maritain.
Instead Pierre Viot, which is one of the most authoritative scholars of Maritain in Italy, in this work can not be detached from its object, is on him, so much so that at times it is not clear if it is to speak Maritain or his biographer.
Two examples to be convinced: Maritain in 1923 learns that André Gide want to print a book in which to justify its homosexuality, because he wants to meet, I suppose to "save". Viotto writes: " For Maritain is at stake is not only the moral responsibility of the writer, but the objective truth about homosexuality, which is an unnatural vice " and two pages later" But beyond the intentionality of the subject, and the degree of his moral responsibility, on the objective level of cultural history, Maritain can not see that Gide was one, with Renan and Sartre, the great mischief of customs and ideas of the French members . This MaritainViotto expresses no qualms whatsoever its homophobia thus preventing us to understand those who are in the ownership, or if Maritain Viotto. Even with Julien Green tone is the same " had managed to break free from this evil habit."

André Breton

Identification is even more disturbing when we speak of the Surrealists of Breton in particular, from which two poets, their friends would " diabolically seduced " while others would fail to " escape its evil influence " . The reason for this fall into Hell of the Surrealists is explained as follows: " The Surrealism is the ultimate expression of the theory of art for art until idolatry of beauty created and in some cases up to the cult of beauty of the body . That is, unintentionally, a good definition of art of the twentieth century.
There is still something that is, to me, and it is emphasized that Maritain is presented by Viotto as ahistorical entity, without contradictions or developments, thinking of the eternal human form Thomism or perennial philosophy that runs through pristine ; history. Making, I think, not just wrong. Maritain wrote in 1927: "I pity the separated Churches to the Pope, who do not have anyone to defend them against all the earthly powers alike ... I pity the people who ignore the Church and the Pope The fair agreement of the spiritual and the time is not accomplished in them ... The Church has authority over the political right and on the same time, not because of political affairs but because of the spiritual that is involved in them. A power is below the other ... Whatever the claims of the sovereigns and nations, the Church has never ceased to proclaim his inalienable right to intervene in temporal matters ratione sins. And 'this is not a mere opinion, but a truth "theologically certain" formally taught by the Magisterium of the Church's doctrinal " [I quote from the first Italian edition, 1929] In support of this thesis quotes from the bubble wire listens of Boniface VIII, 1301, then Alessandro VIII, Pius VI, Pius IX, Leo XIII and so on. One such Maritain, who in '27 had curialistiche these ideas in mind, however, could twenty years later, at the time of the English Civil War, where the Pope and all the Church had sided with the Fascist Franco , it behind them and position themselves independently. Forces present in the healthy contradictor Maritain - coming from socialism and then by the reactionary Catholicism Maurras, intrinsic to several popes but wary of the clerical world, a follower of Thomas, but perhaps, in substance, Augustine - not established in the book Viot, every trace of dialectics has also suffered from a stranger, while it is in keeping with the proclamation of truth, natural, philosophical, aesthetic, theological, etc.. Proof of this is the final chapter catalogatoria with an orgy of definition and that would make happy Borges. A kind of summa of verbal tricks, supplemented by explanatory tables, which seeks to harness with a subjectivism almost touching themes and realities of the human condition. In which each aspect of knowledge is fixed in place on the foundation of a metaphysics cementified and immovable, and human actions are ordered by a discipline defines and finalize. A harmonia mundi enlightened by truth, inscribed in the series indisputable: Aristotle, Thomas, Popes, Maritain, Viot.
; If this is a final chapter Maritain invention or corresponds to the long and complex process of Jacques Maritain is difficult to say. I would leave the floor to Italo Mancini
"to measure the function, the importance and validity of the immense sum maritainiana not need to lie in the bed of the history of European philosophical thought, from this point of view is presented as Maritain uprooted; explodes here his knowledge and deliberate anti-modernist philosophy has curated [...] regardless of philosophizing, to use a contrast dear to Mazzantini Carlo, who shared with him the idea of \u200b\u200b Origen and Clement of Alexandria a logo of the most generous available a variety of contexts, and which has been marked as a perennial filosoficità catholicity natural, preparatory and not opposed to the logo and its catholicity revealed supernatural. " [ How to read Maritain , Morcelliana, Brescia 1993, pp. 11-12]

What I'd like to explore among these g reat friendships, friendships are absent. It indicates two: Olivier Messiaen [1908-1992], great musician, the Catholic French Maritain, the same passion for the poet Pierre Reverdy , same unconditional Catholic faith. Messiaen will surely read in youth Maritain's Art and Scholasticism, but these have had the opportunity to listen L'Apparition de l'Eglise Eternelle composed in '32, just 24 years? We do not know, but we know that Messiaen himself as a surrealist Christian able to go beyond reality, to criticize modernity through and not trivially, turning her head away in disgust. We know that M aritain had some problems with the Surrealists, or perhaps have it his followers.
The other meeting is with non- Kurt G ö of [1906-78], the largest sense of the twentieth century, whose theorem ' incompleteness of mathematical theories revolutionized the contemporary philosophical epistemology. Maritain and G ö the same time taught at the Catholic University Notre Dame in Indiana and then to Princeton, where he lived in the same street within walking distance of each other. But he could Maritain, which basically thought that all philosophical thought Thomas was not after that decline, in conversation with G ö of ?

Walter Benjamin
A conclusion might be worth re-reading this review that Walter Benjamin wrote in 1935 of the text Maritain Du régime temporel et de to Freedom, released in '33 [now in vol. Collected Works of VI , Einaudi]

Stéphane Symons investigated the relationship of thought between the two in Same City, Another Universe. On Walter Benjamin and Jacques Maritain , in The Maritain Factor: Taking Religion Interware Into Modernism, Rajesh Heynickx, Jan De Maeyer, cur. Cornell University Press, 2010 .

In this video interview prof. Viotto explains his relationship with Maritain

He touches a point: between 17 and 19 years Piero Viotto was my teacher of philosophy.
I do not have a great memory .


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