Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goat Cheese Versus Cow Cheese

MSN: Mirafiori, the priority is to save the jobs

Mirafiori The story of the referendum and that the workers are preparing to vote, the Social Nationalist Movement declares:
on the premise that the proposal Marchionne did not like at all, and because affecting the dignity of workers, once again harassed by the policies of the Fiat (with the complicity of governments slaves), and because the diktat imposed knows unequivocally blackmail (or accept the agreement or closing the plant), but we should pragmatically give priority to securing jobs and production in Italy. What matters more than any other moral or practical aspect is to provide Mirafiori workers still have jobs, especially in these times of crisis where every day the Italians find themselves in the middle of a road, fired or laid off. We can not allow thousands of people, they have to pay mortgages and rents, even with families to support, likely in the coming days no longer had a job that allows him to move on. In these difficult times we must really show that you intend to do only the interests of the worker and not only politicians who cynically chasing Fiom-CGIL, willing even to send home all the workers just to give precedence to their own ideological stupidity.
Given that there are no immediate alternatives, we hope, only for the good of the workers at Mirafiori and to maintain the same production car in our country, that the workers accept the agreement placed on the table by Fiat, as the only possibility to ensure business continuity and avoid a great tragedy which would result in the outcome Unlike the referendum and the long chain of layoffs.
At the same time we can no longer be subject to further blackmail by Fiat, then we propose to initiate a process of nationalization of the entire car from Turin (also considering all the money granted by the Agnelli for over half a century, which transformed the inevitably in a wealth of the country). Only then could we be certain to guarantee future employment and certain rights for workers, without being constantly under the guillotine of unscrupulous capitalists., Ready to blackmail the most vulgar yet to give priority to their interests.

The National Secretariat
Movement Social Nationalist


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