Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Determine Model Of Webcam

MSN: to stop the invasion, the army intervenes

In these hours is unprecedented in place a real invasion of our lands by illegal immigrants, following the riots in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, which are inevitably bringing tens of thousands of desperate people in our country.
As usual, the inaction of our government and the indifference of the European Community are producing an injury that is likely to reach catastrophic proportions if nothing is done with absolute timing.
The only solution to be implemented at this time to stop any landing, which has now become untenable for Italy, is to immediately hand the army garrison of all our borders, both sea and ground, The inclusion of rules of engagement that determine the possibility of using weapons while attempting to remove any vessel from entering our territorial waters.
Like other Mediterranean countries have already demonstrated, Italy also must be able to resolve this emergency firing if necessary, without asking questions of any kind. Sorry but there is no other solution, especially in light of years of constant invasion, which today has led to unsustainable make any entry of aliens.
Nevertheless, we expect all immigrants arriving in recent days to be immediately expelled and taken back to their countries, without exception. This is certainly not the time to release other permits, or to give asylum to anyone.
We hope for the good of the current government in power take note of this situation relatively quickly and therefore intervenes in order to avoid irreparable and worst disasters in our country. In contrast, this issue must take all the heavy responsibilities in front of the Italians and before history. The National Secretariat

Social Nationalist Movement


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